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Any distress can affect the body in many ways. It's nearly impossible to come up with a complete list of all of the ways digestion is affected by anxiety, but the following are just a few examples of how stress and anxiety can. When acute stress hits, this wiring gets short circuited and digestive processes shut down. This happens for a good reason.
The emptying of the stomach is delayed, which can lead to a stomachache, indigestion, heartburn and nausea. ”. As the stomach is slowing down, stress. Stress can cause increased oxygen demand on the body, spasm of the coronary (heart) blood vessels, and electrical instability in the heart’s conduction system. The stress response inhibits the digestive system while the relaxation response activates it. That is why the relaxation response is often called “rest and digest. ”. When the stress response is. According to harvard medical school experts, tummy troubles can be caused by anxiety, stress, or depression because of the close relationship between the brain and the. Stress hormones and anxiety poop are related to your nervous system. What are 3 common stomach conditions that are affected by stress?
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